Our Services
Our services include :
- Generic care.
- Dementia care.
- End of Life Care
All of our services are available to private and social services clients. We provide a comprehensive and effective care service to all our service users by :
- ensuring that staff of a suitable caliber are recruited in order to undertake the work required.
- ensuring that managers and staff are trained and developed to reach the necessary levels of competence to provide all above types of care.
- ensuring that the service protects the security, health and well-being of service users. liaising with other Health and Social Care professionals.
- consulting with the service user regularly to identify their needs and preferences, including cultural.
- assessing the service user’s needs and wishes, ensuring that they are incorporated into a care plan which is then followed closely by staff and regularly updated.
- recruiting, inducting, vetting and training all staff in accordance with the national standards required by the Care Quality Commission, prior to their assignment to any service user.
Staff are monitored in their practice with additional training being provided where appropriate.